Highly Sensitive Society

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Taking the time for self-care is one of the most important ways to control stress and anxiety.

What is self-care?

Self-care means taking time to do things you enjoy. Usually, self-care involves everyday activities that bring you joy. These activities could be as simple as reading a book, or as big as taking a vacation from a stressful job.

Self-care also means taking care of yourself. This means eating regular meals, getting enough sleep, caring for personal hygiene (taking a shower, washing your hair) etc.

Self-care Tips

Set specific self-care goals. “I will walk for 30 minutes every evening after dinner” is better than ‘I will get more exercise.’  If your goal is not specific, it will be hard to know exactly what to do and then do it.

Make self-care a priority. Set a specific time each day to do one self-care activity. Don’t let other things interrupt the time you set aside for self-care. Self-care should be given the same importance as other responsibilities.

Say “no” to protect your self-care. Remind yourself that your needs are as important as anyone else’s. Say “no” if people ask you to schedule something during your self-care time.

A few minutes of self-care is better than no self-care. Set an alarm reminding you to take regular breaks, even if it’s just a walk around the block, or tea or coffee. Oftentimes, stepping away will energize you to work more efficiently when you return.

Unhealthy activities don’t count as self-care. Substance use, over-eating, and surfing the internet might hide uncomfortable emotions temporarily, but they cause more problems in the long run.

Make self-care a habit. Using self-care just once won’t get rid of stress. Choose activities that you can do often (every day), and that you will stick with. Choose an activity that you enjoy, so that you will stick with it.

Keep up with self-care, even when you’re feeling well. This keeps you in a healthy routine. Plus, self-care might be part of the reason why you’re feeling well!