Life as an HSP can be hard. The following are the types of issues I hear about every day and how I can help….

Why is my job so stressful?

Highly sensitive people notice all the details having to do with a task. Most other people only notice the major things. If they do notice details, they tell themselves to focus only on important items. We’ll discuss why HSPs notice all the little details about every situation and feel they need to deal with all of them. You will practice how to determine what is important and how to talk back to the negative feelings that will surface when you “don’t do it all.”

How can I stop being so anxious all the time?

I’ve developed a program called ©TRIE & TALK-BACKS specifically to talk back to those constant feelings of anxiety.

How can I stop people taking advantage of me and create some boundaries?

We’ll investigate how HSPs are usually more open than less-sensitive people, and how that can be misinterpreted by others as a weakness to be exploited. We’ll practice skills like “How To Say No”.

How do I stop other people’s emotions from taking my energy?  

We’ll discuss the biological and environmental factors behind HSP’s empathy. We’ll talk back to the feeling of wanting to make other people feel better even at at a cost to ourselves

Why do I feel so burned-out?

We’ll implement a plan for taking care of yourself. Better yet, we’ll develop a plan for other people to take care of you! All joking aside, you will talk back to the feelings that make you hesitant to ask for help. You will practice ways of respectfully asking for help.

How can I stop getting angry with people and alienating them?

I’ve developed a program specifically to talk back to those angry feelings. You will practice ways of communicating your needs assertively, not aggressively.