How To Make Decisions without Stress as an HSP

An American adult makes 35,000 decisions a day. “Neuroscientists tell us that our brains are at risk of decision fatigue--every decision we make, large or small, taxes our brain function even if we're not aware of it. This drains our energy to the point we start making poor decisions.

However, we can save some of this energy by making important decisions first, working in a space free of distractions, automating routine decisions like what we wear and eat, and not regretting our decisions.

Making Decisions Without Stress

Making important decisions first

A famous psychological theory states that Decision making depletes a person’s energy. Thus, it may be best to make the most important decisions as early as possible each day.

Whether it is a tough phone call, hard project, or another difficult task, making important decisions early in the day may help prevent decision fatigue. If you are an HSP who has physical symptoms, or is not in the best place mentally at the beginning of the day, then make the most important decisions when you are feeling physically or mentally the best.

Removing distractions

Choosing to look at a cell phone, browse social media, or glance at the television may drain your willpower for tasks later in the day. Work in a room that doesn’t have these items. Work in a room where you cannot see your kitchen, or any tasks that remain to be done. Removing these distractions may help a person reduce this fatigue and engage with the tasks at hand.

Automate routine decisions

Some people reduce decision fatigue by simplifying routine choices such as wardrobe, instead wearing a similar outfit each day. Making a meal plan and preparing meals for the week in advance can help reduce decision making pressure in the moment.

Take exercise breaks

For most HSPs , exercise is better than a rest break. Exercise that demands total concentration (racquet sports like squash, aerobic class), or makes you mindful of your surroundings (walk in nature) is best. Buy a locker at a gym, and keep your workout clothes there, so you don’t have to decide what clothes to bring every day.

Live without regret

Research states that people who feel in control of their decisions are less stressed about making them.

Each decision means deciding for something and against something else. Ask yourself “Will this have a big impact on my life 10 years from now?” If not, then it is a trivial decision, and either choice would have been fine.

Accept the fact that you have decided on one alternative, that you made the best decision with the information you had at the time, and that every decision will have some negative consequences, which you will just need to put up with.

Also, change may have some disadvantages. So you are allowed to keep things the same. Keeping things the same is also a decision.

If you would like to explore ways to make decisions without stress and live without regret, I can help. I have developed an entire program called TRIE (Technique to Reduce the Intensity of Emotions). You can contact me for a complimentary 20-min consultation.

Please share this with your friends and family. Help them live a stress free life.

All my warmest wishes ,

Jadzia Jagiellowicz PhD (Social/Health Psychology)